You can feel energized & empowered

My years of education and clinical experience with private nutrition and coaching clients have let me cultivate the most efficient tools, techniques, tips, and education to get you to your best health.

You will leave your session feeling empowered and supported, ready to meet your biggest health goals, and excited about long-term change.

Personalized support, personalized nutrition recommendations, and expert guidance leading you step-by-step is the way to get more energy to do what you want (not to stress about your health or ruminate about dieting).

Your Session Includes

  • An one-on-one intake session with Nomi

  • A comprehensive summary of your personalized nutrition and lifestyle recommendations based on your blood work, health goals, and health risks

  • A follow-up session to modify your plan so it's perfect for you

  • Goal setting so you know how to move forward with clarity and action steps

  • An easy-to-implement example of how to eat for your goals, with customized food recommendations

  • Easy recipes customized to your likes and needs

  • Supplement recommendations (if needed)

Choose a Pricing Option

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing your session, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment. Alternatively, you can send Nomi a WhatsApp to get started pronto.

What do I need to do prior to my first appointment?
  1. Respond to the email that Nomi sends you or send a WhatsApp to +1917 924 6318 if you want to get started asap.
  2. You will receive an intake form to fill out and return prior to your session.
  3. Please send blood work to Nomi via email or WhatsApp. If you haven't had comprehensive blood work done in the last year, schedule an appointment for that.
  4. Keep a food diary of intake for 5-7 days. Send prior to your session or bring with you.
What do I do after my initial session?

You will look over the comprehensive recommendations, schedule a call with Nomi for any questions on the recommendations, and then you can work with the recommendations on your own or schedule follow-up support sessions.